Transform Your Smile With

Cosmetic Dentistry

Your smile is a major part of your appearance. Our team knows how to add a veneer here and a bonding there to transform your smile into a work of art. We offer these cosmetic procedures in the comfort of our Moses Lake, Washington, clinic. Book a consultation at Sunrise Dental today to make your smile a feature you can’t help but flaunt.

What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry is a branch of dentistry focused on your smile’s aesthetic appearance. The dentists at Sunrise Dental have a variety of tools to give your smile a makeover. The procedures can fix issues with:

  • Alignment
  • Discoloration
  • Size and shape
  • Gumline shaping

What are the Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry?

The primary benefit of cosmetic dentistry is aesthetic. A few tweaks to the color and shape of teeth can make a huge difference in the way you look and feel.

But the effects don’t only go enamel-deep. A better-looking smile has the potential to increase your confidence and mood. Your smile also makes a big impression on people, giving them a glimpse of your health and vitality.

Sometimes, in the process of fixing your teeth’s appearance, you may notice increased functionality. For example, crowns that restructure broken teeth might improve your bite. And while a procedure like dental implants may improve your smile, it also prevents jawbone erosion.

What Cosmetic Imperfections Can You Fix?

  • Discoloration: Teeth whitening can clean up stains on your teeth from food and drink. Your dentist can also cover discoloration from medications and exposed roots with veneers.
  • Misshapen or Misaligned TeethVeneers can cover and fill in slightly broken or chipped teeth. You may need a crown to fix extensive damage. Your dentist can close minor gaps and make crooked teeth appear more aligned with bondings and veneers. If your teeth need major adjustments, you might be a good candidate for clear aligners.
  • Missing Teeth: Dental implants are becoming quite popular for filling in missing teeth. If dental implants aren’t right for you, you can use bridges and dentures to replace teeth. The dentists can perform additional procedures to shape the gumline and contour the enamel. Make sure to address your concerns with your dentist so they can tell you what your options are.

Let Sunrise Dental know how you want your teeth to look, and they can draw up a treatment plan. Set up a consultation today over the phone or online.