Feeling confident enough to flash a beautiful and straight smile isn’t the only reason you should consider orthodontic treatment. Having straight teeth can also improve your oral health. Crooked or overcrowded teeth make daily oral hygiene difficult, which may lead to tooth decay or gum disease over time.

If you’re struggling to justify the costs of cosmetic dentistry, consider how lining up your teeth could give you a healthier smile. At Sunrise Dental, we have a team of dentists trained in evaluating and administering orthodontic treatments to patients who would benefit from braces or clear aligners.

Some dental advantages to correcting your smile

Correcting your bite means more than simply having a smile you’re proud to show off. Find out how electing orthodontic treatment can preserve your long-term dental health.

Straight teeth are easier to clean

If your teeth are crooked or overlapping, they make brushing and flossing difficult. Teeth that are poorly aligned allow food to become trapped, causing plaque and tartar to build up. Teeth that are crooked restrict the bristles of your toothbrush from reaching the entire tooth and getting between spaces where debris is left to form decay. Straightening your teeth can help you prevent cavities from forming or keep you from developing gum disease.

Misaligned teeth increase your risk for disease

Straight teeth can help you avoid gum disease, tooth decay, or other oral infections. A significant health issue that exists in the United States today is inflammation of the gums and periodontal disease.

Choosing to have your crooked teeth aligned with orthodontics keeps your natural smile intact. Straight teeth prevent oral bacteria from entering your bloodstream. Oral infections can lead to systemic health risks, such as heart disease or diabetes.

Your teeth are less likely to chip or break

Teeth that protrude outside of your mouth are at a higher risk for cracking or fracturing during an accident. Straight teeth contained in your mouth can protect your smile from potentially dangerous situations that might leave your teeth vulnerable to breakage.

Excessive wear-and-tear as a result of poor dental hygiene can introduce additional issues such as sinus problems. Crooked teeth put you at risk for complicated and costly health concerns down the road.

Maintain a healthy jaw

Many adults are missing a number of their permanent teeth, but if you leave a gap in your smile, your jawbone can be affected. Jawbones that grow weak or are misaligned contribute to more significant tooth loss. If your jaw is off balance, it can stress your temporomandibular joints, which allow your mouth to open and close, leading to a disorder known as TMJ.

TMJ can make it painful to chew food or even brush your teeth properly, leading to more severe oral health concerns.

Options for correcting misaligned teeth

There are several straightening options available to correct bad bites and conditions caused by crowding, crooked, or protruding teeth. At Sunrise Dental, we advise you on the best decision for your unique case.

Fixed or metal braces use wires and brackets to apply pressure to your teeth and gradually move them into a better position. Your dentist or orthodontist must periodically adjust the braces to ensure the best results. Unlike clear aligners, braces can only be removed by your dental practitioner when you’ve completed treatment.

If you never had braces as a kid but still want straighter teeth, you might be a candidate for clear aligners. A series of transparent, removable mouthpiece trays, or aligners, are made to fit snugly over your teeth and shift them into position gradually.

We select the best option for treatment and customize a plan that best fits your needs. Electing to undergo treatment with clear aligners begins with X-rays that help determine if you are a good candidate for the process. We make impressions of your teeth and send them to the manufacturer, where the lab uses the mold of your teeth along with digital images of your mouth to make your aligners.

You wear your aligners for 22 hours each day only taking them out to eat or brush your teeth. You receive a series of sets of aligners during your treatment, changing them every two weeks or as directed. Scheduling regular check-ins with one of our dentists ensures that the adjustments are progressing correctly.

If you’re interested in straightening your smile, call our office to book an appointment.